John's Gospel begins where the Bible begins: before creation. He places Jesus in eternity with God the Father as an active agent in the Creation account. It is referred to as the preexistence of Jesus. He has always existed, because He is God.
He is very careful to place Jesus in the creation account in order to contradict certain heresies that were infiltrating the church.
There were those who believed that Jesus was just a man. That falsehood would have negated His deity. Others believed that He was just a Spirit. That would have negated His humanity. John tells us that Jesus is both God and Man.
It is important that we understand that Jesus is both God and Man. He set aside His glory in order to experience all the difficulties of mankind, yet He was still God and so able to carry all the sins of the world to the cross. On the cross Jesus paid the ultimate price for sin. The thrice Holy God died in our place! What a Savior!
- Dr. Darryl -