Interest in small groups has inspired a study of this fascinating subject. Since Jesus promised to be present in small groups, “Where two or three are gathered in my name” (Matthew18:20) it seems like we may be missing out on the presence of Jesus if we are not involved in a small group.
The question arises, “What is a small group?” A small group consists of people who meet regularly to have authentic relationships. Basically, it’s the church living out our beliefs in a personal way. It is difficult to get to know other believers in a large group setting only. That’s why real Christianity requires the kind of fellowship offered in small groups.
Each group will be as unique as the individuals involved in it and participants may be brought together by various reasons. Some groups may focus on specific needs, while others are more general in purpose. The purpose may include any number of the functions of the church: evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, worship, prayer, and ministry.
Emphases may vary from group to group and even meeting to meeting. Some may live in close proximity, while others may have life similar situations. Some may desire to study the Bible in depth, while some may be called to a prayer ministry together. Whatever the emphasis is, people who have experienced the small group dynamic are highly complementary of small groups.